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The methodology used in our language teaching is the neurolinguistic , a differential and both students of LCI , who learn to think in the language they are studying , for learning a language is much more than just knowing " turn " in another language . Here the communication process should be taught , learned and used fully, with complete mastery of speaking, writing , reading and conversation . It is proven that to learn a new language , the best way is to think in that language and be in direct contact with the language . That's why with us, from the first class , students practice conversation , with practical and immediate results , he learns to think in the language .


Another factor capable of  promote learning and make it more dynamic and natural is to be free of blockages and inhibitions. The LCI know this, and this, in their classes , advanced neurolinguistic techniques are used .  These techniques allow not only stimulate free expression to help students develop their personal , cultural and academic , and also demonstrate their leadership and motivation , because he knows what he is doing is correct.

The methodology of LCI differs , too, to prepare the student for all types of global language certification such as IELTS , ESOL , TOEFL , CEFR , CAMBRIDGE , MICHIGAN . Thus it is possible to validate and verify the effectiveness of the methodology in the scores obtained by students.


The teaching material is always up to date and makes all the difference in student learning. The audio features stimulate the conversation , speaking, listening even correcting the accent.


In Custom Courses LCI believe that we should follow the particular characteristics and needs of each student and give utmost importance to make full use of learning. Therefore, we developed courses tailored for different types of students , from those who want to just learn, improve themselves personally or professionally , to many other reasons.

Our programs are designed to provide you with the most effective learning experience. All teachers are qualified to teach and are carefully monitored to ensure delivery of the highest quality at all times .


We work with small groups of 3-5 students per class, allowing for more individualized attention . In this case offering students focused and with the opportunity to have a greater and more effective interaction in the classroom .


A personal touch ...

The LCI - Language Centre International, Your feedback and your opinion is very important to us, their progress and their suggestions are evaluated continuously ensuring that you receive the best possible care to achieve their learning goals .

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