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10 Tips to be an entrepreneur!



More than ever companies needed real ' entrepreneurs ' . Each member of the franchise should have the attitude and behavior of a ' Business Owner ' successful companies are those which have true ' entrepreneurs '.


the main features of an Entrepreneur


1. Turn good ideas into reality, implements them. Most people just have a 'good idea' and do not put it  into action. The entrepreneur goes from thought to action and make things happen;

2. Be passionate about it. That makes a difference. Enthusiasm and passion are the main characteristics of an entrepreneur!

3. The entrepreneur is one who can choose from several alternatives and does not think about what they left behind. they Learn to focus and stay focused;

4. Are you aware of what you want and what you need to increase this knowledge in every possible way?

5. Do not give up, the entrepreneur has an incredible tenacity ;

6. Do you believe in your own ability, high degree of confidence ?

7. See ' failures ' as learning opportunities, for an entrepreneur failures do not exist ;

8. The entrepreneur makes use of their imagination. they visualise themselves winning ;

9. Always have a vision of various scenarios ahead, have several alternatives to overcome ;

10. The entrepreneur is never a 'victim' . He does not complain of things or circunstances . In fact they change the reality!

There are 3 things that move men : Faith, Passion, and money, in order, if the order is different, the moral values ​​of this man are different and their ethical concepts can be misrepresented.

Think high, the sky is the limit for the LCI .



     Enterprising is a gift and a destiny of a few, it is not for everyone. Just the true ones succeed.

Nevertheless the world will always remember them, the pioneers with the ability to create business and make it successful, the economy  must be increasingly developed.

     A successful entrepreneur has very personal characteristics and we want them as partners, the LCI has all the structure that will allow your successful in entrepreneurship. If you identify yourself with these values and understand this is what you want for you, we offer everything that will make you successfull so you can contribute to the development of your comunity city and country, APPLY NOW tot his great opportunity with attractive financial return.







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