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Is there any demonstration of how the courses work?

Yes , we offer free trial lessons and without compromise to demonstrate how our methodology and excellence in teaching . Answering all questions from interested students.

What is the duration or time limit to complete the course?

We have intensive hyper course  lasting up to four weeks . Regular courses range from 3 to 6 months depending on the student's level.

Who can guarantee that I will learn the language?

LCI offers full learning warranty , we work with Neuro Technology where we teach our students to think in the new language are linguistic structures that are recorded in your sub-conscious brain generating an immediate response to the need to say something. Using these techniques and the latest methods got immediate results that can be proven in each class.

The student receives a certificate to complete the course?

YES. The students are granted CERTIFICATES after each level completion (BASIC, INTERMEDIATE e ADVANCED), in the end of the course they are grated a DIPLOMA.

The courses have fixed times?

Yes. The times are set according to the availability of the student, but can be changed depending on your needs . We set up a personalized study program to meet each specifically.

What is the minimum age to take the course?

Starting 12 years because students already have enough intellectual maturity to understand classes taught with neurolinguistic technology. We do not use little songs or figurines to ministarr classes and students not only " make way, here students learn and speak , understand , read and write the new language , everything in practice and not just theory.

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