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10 Tips to increase the Brain Power!


10 Tips To Increase Brain Power! A Variety and Curiosity are Two Basic Principles paragraph Maintain clarity and YOUR mind power . If all you do is "automatic " Time to Make A Change To Get Better Your Brain Performance is His mind. Keep your curiosity about the world around you , How it Works and How to get - so, IT will help you Keep Your Way RUNS Brain Quick and Efficient More


1. Use the other hand 

Spend the day doing things with the non-dominant hand . If you are left open the door with his right hand . If you are right-handed attempts to use the buttons with your left hand . This simple task will cause your brain to establish new connections and have to rethink how to perform daily tasks . Place the watch on the opposite hand to remind the challenge of change of manual tasks.

3. Feeding the brain

Your brain needs you eating healthy fats. Focus on fish like salmon and tuna , dried fruit and nuts and olive oil . Eat More this type of food and reduce the saturated fats ( meat) .

5. Use differents paths

By car or on foot, in search of new routes to get wherever you go . This little change in routine helps the brain practice with spatial memory and directions. Try moving sidewalk and changes the order you visit your favorite stores in order to change the routine .

7. Learn numbers

Memorize phone numbers, it is a great activity to exercise memory. Choosing a new phone number every day and try to remember the same , does your brain have a great stimulus.

9. Read Books 

Diversify your reading leaving the issues that are familiar . If you usually read history books , switch to a contemporary novel. Read foreign authors , classics and others chosen at random. Your brain will not only benefit by having to work imagining other historical periods , other cultures and other people, but also will obtain interesting stories to tell others , which will make you think and make connections between modern life and the words .

2. Mind games 

Games are a great way to stimulate and challenge the brain. Sudoku , crosswords and electronic games such as " brain training " are great ways to improve the agility of the brain and the ability to memorize . These games are based on logic and verbal skills , mathematics, etc. , in addition to fun. More suitable to practice these games for 15 minutes each day than do it for hours.

4. Acquire skills 

Learning a new skill begins to exercise multiple areas of the brain. Your memory comes into play , you learn new movements and will associate things differently. Read different books, learn to cook or build a plane with chopsticks, all serve to challenge océrebro and give you new things to think about. Hand write a couple of pages a day focusing on calligraphy. 

6. Change routine

But the more we get used to a task less our brain works to do so. To really help your brain change your routine , change it ; change the path to the grocery store , use your opposite hand to open doors and eat dessert first . All this will force your brain to wake up from habits and pay attention again.

8. Choose a new hobby 

Find something that fascinates you , you can easily make at home and does not cost much money. Take pictures with a digital camera , learn to draw or play an instrument , practice new styles of cuisine or sports . These are all good choices.

10. Make lists

Making lists helps us to associate some data with others. Make a list of places you traveled . Make a list of all the tasty meals that you experienced. Make a list of the best gifts you received. Make a daily list for mental memory exercise and to get new brain connections .

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